LINKS: General Writing Sites
- African American Literature Book Club: Writers Resources
- https://aalbc.com/writers/index.php
- Links to a variety of writing resources, including publishers and media outlets, with an emphasis on African American writing and publishing.
- Articles About Writing
- https://www.sfwa.org/other-resources/for-authors/information-center/
- Though many of the articles on this site focus primarily on speculative fiction, this extensive list of articles offers something for all writers.
- Authorlink: Writing Insights
- https://authorlink.com/category/writing-insights/
- Chuck Sambuchino: Blog on Writing and Agents
- https://chucksambuchino.com/blog/
- Experimental Writing
- http://experimentalwriting.weebly.com/
- Everything to do with experimental writing, including articles, markets, discussions, sample stories and more.
- ExploreWriting.co.uk
- https://www.explorewriting.co.uk
- A UK website that offers a nice selection of high-quality articles on a wide range of topics.
- Internet-Resources.com
- http://www.internet-resources.com/writers/
- Although this site is old and many links are dead and gone, this still has such a huge collection of resources for writers that it's worth listing.
- Matilija Press
- http://matilijapress.com/articles.htm
- The webpage of writer Patricia Fry, this site offers loads of tips for writers; click the "Articles" or "For Writers" header. See also her "Writing and Publishing News" blog at http://www.matilijapress.com/publishingblog/
- The Reedsy Blog
- https://blog.reedsy.com/
- This site is amazing - you could spend days exploring its many topics. (The one irritating factor is the constant popups trying to sell you stuff.)
- ScribblePad.co.uk
- https://www.scribblepad.co.uk/
- A site dedicated to creative writing, with loads of useful articles and tips.
- Uncle Orson's Writing Class
- http://www.hatrack.com/writingclass/index.shtml
- A list of Orson Scott Card's "classes" - an excellent series of articles on writing.
- World Wide Freelance Writer
- https://www.worldwidefreelance.com/
- Excellent website, newsletter and market guide, with an emphasis on international (non-U.S.) writing and markets.
- Writers.com
- https://writers.com/
- Lots of resources for writers, including lists of markets - check the "Articles" tab for details.
- Writers Write
- https://www.writerswrite.com
- Links, guidelines, publisher information, and more.
- Writing Full Time: A User's Guide, by Robert Weinberg
- http://www.robertweinberg.net/writing.htm
- A look at some statistics about publishing and writing for a living. Old, but still painfully accurate.
- Yudkin, Marcia
- http://www.yudkin.com/publish.htm
- Author Marcia Yudkin describes her list of articles as "The Net's Most Useful Collection of Free Advice on Getting Published and Making a Living as a Writer." Unfortunately it hasn't been updated since 2016, but there's still a lot of worthwhile information here.
Last Link Check: January 2024. Find a broken link? Please
let me know!

Becoming a successful writer isn't just about mastering great writing skills. It's also about overcoming the challenges and obstacles of the writing life: Rejection, fear of failure, lack of time, writer's block, the "Am I Really a Writer?" syndrome, and, of course, friends and family who just don't get it.
Fortunately, you're not alone. We've all been there. So here's a handy "survival guide" that will bring you inspiration, motivation, support and good old-fashioned advice to help you through the tough times. Don't let those writing gremlins keep you from achieving your dreams!
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