LINKS: Awesome Blogs for Writers
NOTE: This particular set of links came from a column we ran in the newsletter, way back when. While we've checked to make sure the blogs below still exist (and, for the most part, still active), we haven't checked to see whether the specific details or articles referenced "back then" are still current.
- 30DaysBooks Blog, by Laura Pepper Wu
- https://www.30daybooks.com/blog/
- This blog is aimed at the indie publisher, and has lots of good tips. It's particularly helpful for those are are social-media-savvy or who want to be. There's no navigation menu (why is it bloggers seem to think that no one needs a menu?), but you can click the category under a particular post to find other posts on similar topics. (Unfortunately it doesn't appear to have been updated since 2014, but it still has lots of good info.)
- All Freelance Writing, by Jennifer Mattern
- https://allfreelancewriting.com/blog/
- "Writing is real work. And All Indie Writers is a resource for professional writers, and those who strive to be, who embrace a strong work ethic and continually strive to improve. If you're looking for someone to reinforce delusions... you probably won't like what you read here. But if you're serious about your writing career, you're willing to work for it, and you want advice, tips, resources, and a community that can help you out along the way, then you're in the right place."
- Blog on Writing and Agents, by Chuck Sambuchino
- https://chucksambuchino.com/blog/
- Want to know more about what agents do? Want to find an agent? Want to know what agents want from you? This is an incredible trove of information from Chuck Sambuchino, author of the Guide to Literary Agents. It's packed with interviews with agents, articles about agents, articles by agents, and lots of pieces on "how I made my first sale."
- The Book Designer, by Joel Friedlander
- https://www.thebookdesigner.com
- Though this blog is aimed more at the pro self-publisher, it's absolutely packed with information on all forms of self-publishing, subsidy publishing, print-on-demand and any other type of "DIY" publishing. If you're thinking of handling your book yourself, this is the place to start to find answers on what the best approach to DIY publishing would be for your specific project. It's also a good place to find out how not to get scammed by the many companies that promise the moon - but simply want your money. (For that info, start here: https://www.thebookdesigner.com/2011/05/subsidy-publishing-proceed-with-caution/
- Courage 2 Create, by Ollin Morales
- https://thecourage2create.com/
- OK, I admit - I was a bit tired when I came to this site, so how could I not be intrigued by the article on the importance of rest? There's lots of information for the weary writer here, whether you seek rest or tips to revitalize your energies. This is a blog full of inspiration and empathy -- it's as much (or more) about surviving (and thriving in) the writer's life as about how to be a better writer. Easy to navigate, too, with many excellent guest posts.
- Live Write Thrive, by C.S. Lakin
- https://www.livewritethrive.com/
- This blog has a lovely ongoing series "asking some seasoned, experienced authors what three key bits of advice they would give new writers that they wished they’d known when they started writing." The answers are insightful and well worth reading, whether you're just starting or whether you've been at it for awhile!
- Make a Living Writing, by Carol Tice
- https://makealivingwriting.com/blog/
- Though a lot of the entries are designed to promote classes and activities on the Freelance Writers Den, there's loads of good information here for writers of every kind. Definitely worth a stop.
- Men with Pens
- http://menwithpens.ca/
- Here's a truly awesome blog for anyone interested in business writing, copywriting, writing for business websites, etc. But it's not just for business writers; articles like Digging Up the Bones of Your Unwritten Novel will be useful to just about any aspiring writer.
- The Muffin: Fresh News Daily
- https://muffin.wow-womenonwriting.com/
- This blog is brought to us by the editors of "WOW" (WomenonWriting.com). It's a nice, punchy, "daily dose" of advice and inspiration delivered by a variety of excellent authors and editors. Topics are varied, so there's always going to be something of interest to just about anyone!
- Pen and Pro$per, by Jennifer Brown Banks
- http://penandprosper.blogspot.com/
- If you want to find out more about blogging, here's the ultimate blog about blogs! Banks seems to have infinite energy, and this blog offers a vast array of articles on freelancing for profit, blogging, social networking and more. She likes numbers: Seven ways to do this, five ways to do that, and so forth. My one quibble is that, while in one of her own blogs, she points out the need to have a good navigation system, it's not that easy to find her own "back issues" -- and once one locates the "archive" one can't actually search by topic, only by date. Still well worth a (long) visit.
- Query Shark, by Janet Reid
- https://queryshark.blogspot.com/
- Wondering why your fiction novel query has been rejected 22 times? A quick scan through Janet Reid's marvelous "Query Shark" blog will give you an idea of what works, what doesn't, and why--but better yet, you can submit your own query for comments. (Brace yourself, though; the comments are likely to be barbed!) Just be sure you follow the instructions--which, as Reid points out, is a vital skill whether you're submitting to her or to an actual editor or agent. Writers who can't follow instructions simply aren't going to succeed.
- Resources for Teen and Pre-Teen Writers and Their Teachers, by Heather E. Wright
- http://www.wrightingwords.com/
- If you're a young writer looking for guidance, inspiration or prompts, or if you're the parent or teacher looking for ways to inspire and guide young writers, this site is a great place to start. It offers resources for teens and younger writers (including prompts), market information, and tips on teaching creative writing.
- TravelBloggerAcademy.com, edited by Adam Costa
- https://travelbloggeracademy.com/how-to-become-a-travel-writer/
- Click the "Content" button to find dozens of additional tips on travel writing, blogging, guest blogging, etc. This blog could keep you busy reading and learning really cool stuff for days.
- The Write Life, by Dana Sitar
- https://thewritelife.com/author/danasitar/
- Not as good as Sitar's previous blog and infrequently updated, but still a useful resource.
- WriteToDone, edited by Mary Jaksch
- https://writetodone.com
- Here's another blog packed with tips, inspiration and guidance. Like most blogs, this could use a more detailed navigation menu, but you can easily reach the different topical categories on the site, including: Art of Writing, Blogging, Copywriting, Creativity, Fiction, Freelancing, Scene Stealers, Uncategorized, and Writer's Toolbox. Loads of guest blog contributions, which keeps the content varied and interesting.
- Writers' Treasure: The Definitive Guide to Creative Writing Success
- https://www.writerstreasure.com/
- As the intro to this blog declares, "If you are looking for information on creative writing tips, search no more, for this blog gives plenty of tips and tricks away about fiction writing, poetry writing, creative nonfiction writing, grammar, spelling and punctuation. Check out our beginners’ guide to creative writing, Creative Writing 101, to learn more." So what makes it awesome? Well, it really is a treasure trove of information... and its host, Idrees Patel, is a truly awesome blogger -- at the time of this posting, he just turned 14!
- Writer Unboxed, by Therese Walsh and Kathleen Bolton
- https://writerunboxed.com
- A fascinating site packed with articles and interviews -- dozens of author interviews and "industry" interviews with editors, agents, publishers, etc.
- Writing and Illustrating: Sharing Information About Writing and Illustrating for Children, by Kathy Temean
- https://kathytemean.wordpress.com/
- "The goal of this blog is to bring and share information about Writing and Illustrating for children to published and unpublished authors and illustrators. I will post information I acquire from my interactions with editors and agents in the industry and share thoughts and techniques of other writers and illustrators in the field."
- Writing and Publishing News, by Patricia Fry
- https://www.matilijapress.com/publishingblog/
- This blog by Patricia Fry always makes me feel guilty - first, for never having enough time to read all the many, many articles here, and second, for not having anything near the incredible output of the author. Where does she find the time? If you want to find out ways to promote your book, this is as great place to start. (Unfortunately this blog doesn't seem to have been updated since 2016, but it still has lots to offer.)
Last Link Check: January 2024. Find a broken link? Please
let me know!

Becoming a successful writer isn't just about mastering great writing skills. It's also about overcoming the challenges and obstacles of the writing life: Rejection, fear of failure, lack of time, writer's block, the "Am I Really a Writer?" syndrome, and, of course, friends and family who just don't get it.
Fortunately, you're not alone. We've all been there. So here's a handy "survival guide" that will bring you inspiration, motivation, support and good old-fashioned advice to help you through the tough times. Don't let those writing gremlins keep you from achieving your dreams!
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