LINKS: Romance & Historical Fiction
Romance · Costume Sites · Historical Fiction
- 100 Best Romance Book Blogs and Websites
- https://books.feedspot.com/romance_book_blogs/
- On this list, don't click the title of the site at the top of each listing, or you just get taken to a Feedspot promo. Click the hard to see, unhighlighted link at the bottom of each listing to reach the recommended website. (Note also that this list is more for readers than writers.)
- All About Romance (AAR)
- https://allaboutromance.com
- A huge community for romance readers and writers, with reviews, the interviews, the message boards, the blogs, the steals and deals, and more.
- Antique Words, by C. J. Cherryh
- https://www.cherryh.com/www/antique1.htm
- A list of words that were commonly used prior to the 1900's; useful if you'd like to avoid anachronistic phrases in your historical fiction.
- Karen Fox: Romance Publishers
- https://karenafox.com/romance-publishers-2/
- Updates on the romance publishing industry. See also Romance Agents.
- Literary Liaisons
- http://www.literary-liaisons.com/articleshome.html
- A huge archive of articles on historical research for romance and historical novels. The format is a bit archaic; click the bullet to the left of each topic to see the article.
- Romance: Publishing’s Hottest Genres and Subgenres
- https://blog.reedsy.com/guide/romance/
- Romance Reviews Today
- http://romrevtoday.blogspot.com/
- A good place to get your romance novel reviewed.
- Romance Writers of America
- https://www.rwa.org/
- The writers' organization for romance.
- Romance Writers of America: Articles
- https://www.rwa.org/Online/Education/Articles/Online/Resources/Articles/Articles.aspx
- Huge archive of articles on writing romance.
- Romance Writers of Australia
- https://romanceaustralia.com/
- Romantic Novelists Association (UK)
- https://romanticnovelistsassociation.org
- The Costume Page
- http://www.costumepage.org/
- A vast collection of links to all things costume.
- The Costume Site
- https://milieux.com/category.php?catid=4
- History of Costume
- https://www.siue.edu/COSTUMES/TEXT_INDEX.HTML
- History of Western Fashion
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_Western_fashion
- This is Wikipedia's entry page to a wide range of articles on costume and fashion covering just about every period of history and geographic area. More text than images.
- VictorianVoices.net
- https://www.VictorianVoices.net/fashion/index.shtml
- A growing collection of fashion articles scanned from Victorian periodicals. Here you'll find not only pictures of Victorian costume, but the articles themselves describing the fabrics, colors, and latest changes in styles.
- Historical Fiction or Fictionalized History? Problems for Writers of Historical Novels for Young Adults
- https://scholar.lib.vt.edu/ejournals/ALAN/fall98/brown.html
- Historical Novel Society
- https://historicalnovelsociety.org/
- Includes a definition of the historical novel, articles, reviews, newsletter and more.
- Historical Novelists' Center
- http://historicalnovelists.tripod.com/homepage.htm
- Loads of historical information, essays and articles, plus huge collections of bibliographies of reference materials. Though it hasn't been updated since 2001, it's well worth visiting for research.
- Jo Beverly's Historical Articles
- https://www.jobev.com/menu.html
- An excellent collection of research articles on British history, including titles, menus, monarchs and more.
- Literary Liaisons
- http://www.literary-liaisons.com/articleshome.html
- A huge archive of articles on historical research for romance and historical novels. The format is a bit archaic; click the bullet to the left of each topic to see the article.
- VictorianVoices.net
- https://www.victorianvoices.net
- Hosted by the editor of Writing-World.com, this site offers an archive of thousands of articles scanned from Victorian periodicals, covering just about every imaginable topic of the Victorian period: royalty, fashion, cooking, crafts, household management (including how to manage the servants), etiquette, travel, health, and much more.
- Writing History/Writing Fiction: A Virtual Conference
- https://www.albany.edu/history/hist_fict/home.htm
Last Link Check: January 2024. Find a broken link? Please
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