LINKS: Rights, Copyright, and Other Legal Issues
General Legal Info · Copyright · International Copyright · Fair Use, Public Domain, Plagiarism, Licensing & Permissions · Libel, Defamation, and Privacy Issues
- Dear Rich: An Intellectual Property Blog
- http://dearrichblog.blogspot.com/
- This blog covers an amazing array of copyright topics, and answers questions I wouldn't have even thought to ask (but am glad I now have the answers to!).
- Findlaw's Find a Lawyer
- https://lawyers.findlaw.com
- A place to search for copyright and contract lawyers.
- Nolo Law
- https://www.nolo.com/
- Nolo.com, "Law for All," is a great place to start your search for information on intellectual property issues. Scroll to the bottom to find links to intellectual property topics, or type your question (e.g., "copyright") into the search box.
- Rights of Writers, by Mark Fowler
- http://www.rightsofwriters.com
- This fantastic blog covers a wide range of legal issues writers may face, from whether it's acceptable to mention real-world products in your fiction to whether you can include other writers' fictional characters in your own story. The blog covers copyright issues, defamation, privacy, infringement, and much more. (Unfortunately not updated since 2015, but still useful.)
- Voluntary Lawyers for the Arts
- https://vlany.org/
- This organization can help with legal issues relating to art and intellectual property.
- Copyright Code
- https://www.copyright.gov/title17/
- The entire text of the U.S. Copyright Code.
- Copyright Compendium
- https://copyrightalliance.org/copyright-law/copyright-office-compendium/
- Although not quite the same legally as the Copyright Code, this is also a useful document for writers.
- Digital Millenium Copyright Act
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_Millennium_Copyright_Act
- Digital Millenium Copyright Act (full text)
- https://www.copyright.gov/legislation/dmca.pdf
- Five Things You Can't Copyright
- https://www.legalzoom.com/articles/5-things-you-cant-copyright/
- An excellent overview of what can, and can't, be protected by copyright. Don't be deceived by the number "5" - each category has several important subcategories.
- Know Your Copyrights (Association of Research Libraries)
- httpa://www.arl.org/focus-areas/copyright-ip#.WaWOFNLruig
- What Writers Need to Know About Copyright Lawn
- https://copyrightalliance.org/education/industry/writers/
- Writers & Publishers Network: Copyright Articles
- https://writersandpublishersnetwork.com/?s=copyright
- A number of articles on copyright from WPN.
- U.S. Copyright Office
- https://www.copyright.gov/
- All about copyright and copyright law, plus downloadable forms to register your copyright.
- Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works
- https://www.wipo.int/wipolex/en/text/283698
- Canadian Intellectual Property Office
- https://ised-isde.canada.ca/site/canadian-intellectual-property-office/en/copyright
- Find out how to file a copyright application in Canada, what your rights are under Canadian copyright law, and more. Site includes a glossary of intellectual property terms, application forms, and more.
- Access: The Canadian Copyright Licensing Agency
- http://www.accesscopyright.ca/
- Contracts & Agreements (UK)
- https://www.contractsandagreements.co.uk/ContractsandLawcategory.html
- A very useful site offering a number of sample contracts in a wide range of categories, including writing and copyright.
- UK Intellectual Property Office
- https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/intellectual-property-office
- Information on protecting your intellectual property in the UK and abroad.
Fair Use, Public Domain, Plagiarism, Licensing & Permissions
- ACE Song Title Database
- https://www.ascap.com/repertory#/
- If you're looking for permission to use song lyrics, try searching the ACE database. "The ACE is a database of song titles licensed by ASCAP in the United States. For each title, you can find the names of the songwriters and the names, contact persons, addresses and, in most cases, phone numbers of publishers to contact if you want to use the work. For most of the titles, you'll find some of the artists who have made a commercial recording."
- Avoiding Plagiarism
- https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/avoiding_plagiarism/index.html
- Avoiding Plagiarism
- https://cmsw.mit.edu/writing-and-communication-center/avoiding-plagiarism/
- Copyright and Fair Use
- http://fairuse.stanford.edu/
- Links to articles on issues of copyright, multimedia rights, and fair use.
- Copyright Clearance Center
- https://www.copyright.com/
- This site collects payment for use of copyrighted materials, usually when materials are used internationally. It could be worth registering an account here; while I have not personally collected payments, several of our contributors have received monies from the use of articles published on Writing-World.com.
- Copyright Term and the Public Domain in the United States
- https://guides.library.cornell.edu/copyright/publicdomain
- An overview of when works pass into the public domain in the US.
- Digital Copyright Slider
- https://librarycopyright.net/resources/digitalslider/
- Confused about when materials are no longer protected by copyright? This "copyright slider" provided by the American Library Association helps sort it all out - by date of authorship, date of publication, whether or not copyright was actually registered, and more.
- The 'Fair Use' Rule: When Use of Copyrighted Material is Acceptable
- https://www.nolo.com/legal-encyclopedia/fair-use-rule-copyright-material-30100.html
- Getting Permission to Publish: Ten Tips for Webmasters
- https://www.nolo.com/legal-encyclopedia/getting-permission-publish-ten-tips-29933.html
- Do you want to use someone else's material on your site? Here's some tips on getting permission, and making sure that you don't infringe on another's copyright.
- How to Avoid Copyright Infringement with Images
- https://www.resourcespace.com/blog/how-to-avoid-copyright-infringement-with-images
- Plagiarism
- https://www.ox.ac.uk/students/academic/guidance/skills/plagiarism
- Plagiarism: What It is and How to Recognize and Avoid It
- https://wts.indiana.edu/writing-guides/plagiarism.html
- This article has some good examples of what is, and is not, acceptable "paraphrasing" of information.
- Preventing Plagiarism: A Guide for Students and Educators
- https://blog.adobe.com/en/publish/2021/11/24/preventing-plagiarism-a-guide-for-students-and-educators#gs.io8f5j
- ReelClassics: Images, Clips & Public Performance Licensing
- http://www.reelclassics.com/Buy/licensing.htm
- Ever wondered if you could write about, or use an image of, a famous movie star in your fiction or nonfiction book? Chances are the answer is "no" unless you can obtain permission. Here's an excellent article on how to obtain licensing for names and images of stars, including lists of agencies that license movie stills.
Libel, Defamation, & Privacy Issues
- Can I Mention Brand Name Products in My Fiction?
- http://www.rightsofwriters.com/2010/12/can-i-mention-brand-name-products-in-my.html
- Can You Tell Your Own True Story Even If It Impinges on the Privacy of Your Lovers, Friends, and Family?
- http://www.rightsofwriters.com/2011/01/can-you-tell-your-own-true-story-even.html
- Defamation, Libel Law and Slander
- http://www.expertlaw.com/library/personal_injury/defamation.html
- Peering at Privacy in Creative Nonfiction
- https://www.awpwriter.org/magazine_media/writers_chronicle_view/2019/peering_at_privacy_in_creative_nonfiction
- Reporters' Committee for Freedom of the Press: First Amendment Handbook
- https://www.rcfp.org/resources/first-amendment-handbook/
- Extensive coverage of issues of libel, defamation, rights to privacy, falsity and more.
- Reporters' Recording Guide
- https://www.rcfp.org/reporters-recording-guide
- Subtitled "A Practical Guide to Taping Phone Calls and In-Person Conversations in the 50 States and D.C.," this is an excellent guide to the rules and regulations about taping telephone interviews.
- United States Defamation Law
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_defamation_law
- A Writer's Guide to Defamation and Invasion of Privacy
- https://www.writersdigest.com/publishing-faqs/defamation-and-invasion
- Primarily addressing memoir, this article discusses the balance between telling your story and invading the privacy of others.
Last Link Check: January 2024. Find a broken link? Please
let me know!

Becoming a successful writer isn't just about mastering great writing skills. It's also about overcoming the challenges and obstacles of the writing life: Rejection, fear of failure, lack of time, writer's block, the "Am I Really a Writer?" syndrome, and, of course, friends and family who just don't get it.
Fortunately, you're not alone. We've all been there. So here's a handy "survival guide" that will bring you inspiration, motivation, support and good old-fashioned advice to help you through the tough times. Don't let those writing gremlins keep you from achieving your dreams!
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