LINKS: Organizations for Writers
General Organizations · Children's Writing ·
Christian · Editing, Business, and Tech Writing ·
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Journalism · Nonfiction - Topical ·
Poetry, Greeting Cards, Lyrics & Music · Publishing/Publishers ·
Scripts & Screenwriting · Travel Writing ·
International Organizations
General/Professional Organizations
- The American Society of Journalists and Authors (ASJA)
- https://www.asja.org/
- Arts Council of England
- https://www.artscouncil.org.uk
- Authors Guild
- https://authorsguild.org/
- Criteria for full membership: a book or three short stories or articles. Member benefits: Authors Guild Bulletin, the Author's Registry, contract advice, legal information, member weblinks, health insurance, etc.
- Association of American Literary Agents
- https://aalitagents.org/
- The primary organization of literary agents, with FAQs, a "canon of ethics," and a list of members.
- Canadian Authors' Association
- https://canadianauthors.org/national/
- Canadian Freelance Guild
- https://canadianfreelanceguild.ca/en/
- Freelancers Union
- https://www.freelancersunion.org/
- This isn't specifically for writers, but for anyone who freelances.
- International Association of Aspiring Authors
- https://theauthormaker.com/associationofaspiringauthors/
- International Women's Writing Guild
- https://iwwg.org/
- National Association of Independent Writers and Editors
- https://naiwe.com/
- National League of American Pen Women
- https://www.nlapw.org/
- "The NLAPW offers a place for women artists, writers, composers and choreographers to and enrich their professional lives through networking, professional development, exhibits, concerts, publications and service to the community." Not limited to writers!
- National Writers' Association
- https://www.nationalwriters.com/page/page/1963103.htm
- National Writers Union
- https://nwu.org
- Criteria for full membership: a book, a play, three articles, five poems, a short story, or an equal amount of nonfiction. Member benefits: American Writer, job hotline, grievance committee, libel and health insurance, press pass, local chapters, member weblinks, publication rights and contract advice, etc.
- Novelists Inc.
- https://ninc.com/
- "Ninc is the only writers organization devoted exclusively to the needs of multi-published novelists."
- Poets & Writers
- https://www.pw.org/
- "The nation's largest nonprofit literary organization serving poets, fiction writers, and creative nonfiction writers."
- Women's National Book Association
- https://www.wnba-books.org/
- The Writer's Union of Canada
- https://www.writersunion.ca
- https://www.canscaip.org
- Canadian Society of Children's Authors, Illustrators, and Performers
- Children's Book Council (CBC)
- https://www.cbcbooks.org
- Information on writing children's books, submission guidelines, tips for writers and illustrators, and links to authors' and illustrators' home pages.
- Children's Literature Association
- https://www.childlitassn.org/
- Society of Children's Book Writers & Illustrators
- https://www.scbwi.org
- The only professional organization dedicated to serving people who write, illustrate, or share a vital interest in children's literature.
- Advanced Writers and Speakers Association
- https://awsa.com/
- An organization for women Christian writers and speakers.
- American Christian Fiction Writers
- https://acfw.com/
- American Christian Writers
- https://regaforder.wordpress.com/groups/
- A list of writers' groups/chapters around the country.
- The Evangelical Christian Publishers Association (ECPA)
- https://www.ecpa.org/page/about_ecpa
- Evangelical Press Association
- https://www.evangelicalpress.com/
- Fellowship of Christian Writers
- https://fellowshipofchristianwriters.org/
- Heart of America Christian Writers Network
- https://www.hacwn.org/
- Inscribe Christian Writers Fellowship
- https://inscribe.org/
- Word Guild
- https://www.thewordguild.com
- Canadian organization of Christian authors.
Editing, Business, and Technical Writing
- American Medical Writers Association
- https://www.amwa.org/
- Provides conferences, certificate programs, and a freelance directory of medical communication services.
- American Society of Business Publication Editors
- https://asbpe.org/
- American Society for Indexing
- https://www.asindexing.org/
- Association for Business Communication
- https://www.businesscommunication.org/
- Association of Ghostwriters
- https://associationofghostwriters.org
- Editorial Freelancers Association
- https://www.the-efa.org/
- Events, links, articles, and benefits for editorial freelancers.
- Editors Association of Canada
- https://www.editors.ca
- Professional Association of Resume Writers
- https://parwcc.com/
- Professional Editors' Group (South Africa)
- https://editors.org.za/
- Professional Editors' Network
- https://www.pensite.org/
- Society for Technical Communication (STC) - Canada
- https://stctoronto.org/
- Articles, links, and other resources for technical writers and communicators.
- American Crime Writers League
- https://www.acwl.org/
- "A professional organization restricted to currently active writers published in the United States in the field of crime fiction and true crime."
- British Science Fiction Association
- https://www.bsfa.co.uk/
- Carl Brandon Society
- https://carlbrandon.org
- "The mission of the Carl Brandon Society is to increase racial and ethnic diversity in the production of and audience for speculative fiction."
- Crime Writers Association
- https://thecwa.co.uk/
- British mystery writers' organization; includes extensive list of author-member websites.
- Crime Writers of Canada
- https://www.crimewriterscanada.com
- Erotica Readers & Writers Association
- https://www.erotica-readers.com/links/writers-resources/
- Historical Novel Society
- https://historicalnovelsociety.org/
- Includes a definition of the historical novel, articles, reviews, newsletter and more.
- Horror Writers Association
- https://horror.org
- Criteria for full membership: a novel or three short stories sold to professional markets. Member benefits: monthly market newsletter, member only anthologies, meetings at World Horror Conventions, regional meetings, chat rooms, newsgroups, etc.
- International Association of Crime Writers: North American Branch
- https://www.crimewritersna.org/
- Click "Other Branches" for information on non-US branches.
- International Thriller Writers
- https://thrillerwriters.org/
- Mystery Writers of America
- http://mysterywriters.org
- Awards: Edgars. Criteria for full membership: a novel, several short stories or screenplay. Member benefits: The Third Degree newsletter, local chapters, regional meetings, national conference (Bouchercon), grievance committee, member weblinks, etc.
- The Private Eye Writers of America (PWA)
- http://www.privateeyewriters.com/
- Romance Writers of America
- https://www.rwa.org
- Awards given: RITA and Golden Heart. Criteria for full membership - a published novel. Benefits: Romance Writers Report, chat rooms, newsgroups, member weblinks, local chapters, national convention, health and life insurance, etc.
- Romance Writers of Australia
- https://romanceaustralia.com/
- Romantic Novelists Association (UK)
- https://romanticnovelistsassociation.org
- Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America (SFWA)
- https://www.sfwa.org
- Awards given: Nebula and Andre Norton. Criteria for full membership: a novel or three short stories sold to professional markets. Member benefits: The Bulletin magazine and The Forum newsletter, chat rooms, newsgroups, member links, emergency medical fund, legal fund, grievance committee, meetings at WorldCon and regional conventions, etc.
- Sisters in Crime
- https://www.sistersincrime.org/
- SF Canada
- https://www.sfcanada.org/
- "SF Canada exists to foster a sense of community among Canadian writers of speculative fiction, to improve communication, to foster the growth of quality writing, to lobby on behalf of Canadian writers, and to encourage the translation of Canadian speculative fiction. SF Canada supports positive social action."
- Western Writers of America
- https://westernwriters.org/
- Awards: Spurs. Criteria for full membership: three books, thirty articles or a screenplay. Member benefits: Roundup Magazine, national convention, member weblinks, etc.
- Women Writing the West
- https://www.womenwritingthewest.org
- Membership: writers, fans and others promoting the Women's West, one "that speaks to the diversity of women of all cultures and all time periods." Benefits: writers' resources, a national conference, a newsletter, the Willa awards, a catalogue of member's writing, etc.
- American Press Institute
- https://americanpressinstitute.org/
- American Society of Newspaper Editors
- https://asne.org/
- Asian American Journalists Association
- https://www.aaja.org/
- Committee to Protect Journalists
- https://cpj.org/
- Indigenous Journalists Association
- https://najanewsroom.com/
- National Association of Black Journalists
- https://nabjonline.org/
- National Association of Hispanic Journalists
- https://nahj.org/
- National Press Photographers Association
- https://nppa.org/
- National Society of Newspaper Columnists
- https://www.columnists.com
- NLGJA: The Association of LGBTQ+ Journalists
- https://www.nlgja.org/
- Online News Association
- https://journalists.org/
- Society of Environmental Journalists
- https://www.sej.org/
- Society of Professional Journalists
- https://www.spj.org/index.asp
- World Association of News Publishers
- https://wan-ifra.org/
- Cat Writer's Association
- https://catwriters.com/
- For writers in any field relating to cats: fiction, nonfiction, scripts, audio, etc.
- Dog Writers Association of America
- https://dogwriters.org/
- For writers in any field relating to dogs: fiction, nonfiction, scripts, audio, etc.
- Garden Communicators International
- https://gardencomm.org/
- International Association of Culinary Professionals
- https://www.iacp.com
- This organization includes food writers, cookbook authors, cooking school owners, chefs, caterers, teachers, food stylists and photographers; one section is devoted to Food Writers and Editors.
- International Food, Wine and Travel Writers Association
- https://www.ifwtwa.org/
- This organization consists of professional food, wine and travel journalists in 28 countries; travel and hospitality industry organizations are associate members.
- The National Association of Science Writers
- https://www.nasw.org
- Outdoor Writers of America
- https://owaa.org/
- Safety Writers Association
- https://policewriter.com/
- The organization is open to writers who are members of the public safety family -- police officers, civilian police personnel, firefighters, fire support personnel, emergency personnel, security personnel, others in the public safety field as well as those who write about public safety issues.
Poetry, Greeting Cards, Lyrics & Music
- Academy of American Poets
- https://www.poets.org/
- A membership site for poets, including contests, publicity, and advertising.
- The American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers (ASCAP)
- https://www.ascap.com/
- League of Canadian Poets
- https://poets.ca/
- Poetry Society of America
- https://poetrysociety.org/
- The Poetry Society (UK)
- https://poetrysociety.org.uk/
- Poets & Writers
- https://www.pw.org/
- "The nation's largest nonprofit literary organization serving poets, fiction writers, and creative nonfiction writers."
- The American Book Producers Association
- https://abpaonline.org/
- A trade group for book packagers. The site includes an extensive membership list.
- Association of American Publishers
- https://publishers.org/
- "We are America's premier publishers of high-quality entertainment, education, scientific and professional content."
- APSS - The Association of Publishers for Special Sales
- http://community.bookapss.org/
- Formerly SPAN. Now run by Brian Jud, "The APSS mission is to become known as the premier source of information, education and help for publishers of high-quality content published in printed, electronic or audio form for sale to consumers, non-bookstore retailers and non-retail buyers.
- Community of Literary Magazines and Presses
- https://www.clmp.org
- Offers an extensive online member directory, and also a larger directory for sale.
- Electronic Literature Organization
- https://eliterature.org/
- Independent Book Publishers Association
- https://www.ibpa-online.org/
- Organization for self-publishers and small presses.
- Writers and Publishers Network
- https://writersandpublishersnetwork.com/
- Formerly SPAWN, this site offers a number of resources for self-published authors.
Scripts and Screenwriting
- American Association of Community Theatre
- https://aact.org/
- Australian Writers Guild
- https://www.awg.com.au/
- British Film Institute
- https://www.bfi.org.uk/
- Information on the UK film industry.
- Directors' Guild
- https://www.dga.org/
- The Dramatists' Guild
- https://www.dramatistsguild.com/
- "The only professional association which advances the interests of playwrights, composers, lyricists and librettists writing for the living stage."
- Playwrights Guild of Canada
- https://playwrightsguild.ca/
- Screen Actors' Guild/American Federation of Television and Radio Artists
- https://www.sagaftra.org/
- Writers Guild of America West
- https://www.wga.org
- Criteria for full membership: a screenplay sold or film-related literary work done for a Guild signatory. Member benefits: Written By magazine, member weblinks, insurance, pension, credit union, script registration, strike fund, etc.
- Writers Guild of Canada
- https://www.writersguildofcanada.com/
- Writers' Guild of Great Britain
- https://writersguild.org.uk/
- "The Writers' Guild of Great Britain supports writers across media including books, film, online, radio, theatre, TV and videogames."
- Australian Association of Travel Writers
- https://www.astw.org.au/
- British Guild of Travel Writers
- https://bgtw.org/
- International Food, Wine and Travel Writers Association
- https://www.ifwtwa.org/
- This organization consists of professional food, wine and travel journalists in 28 countries; travel and hospitality industry organizations are associate members.
- North American Travel Journalists Association
- https://www.natja.org/
- Outdoor Writers and Photographers Guild (UK)
- https://www.owpg.org.uk/
- "The guild for outdoor content creators - writers, photographers, bloggers, podcasters, editors, illustrators, vloggers, film-makers, etc."
- The Society of American Travel Writers Foundation
- https://satwf.com/
- Travel Media Association of Canada
- https://www.travelmedia.ca/
International Organizations
- NOTE: Many organizations listed above have an international reach or membership, but are based in the US. This section lists organizations that are based outside the US.
- Arts Council of England
- https://www.artscouncil.org.uk
- Australian Association of Travel Writers
- https://www.astw.org.au/
- Australian Writers Guild
- https://www.awg.com.au/
- British Film Institute
- https://www.bfi.org.uk/
- Information on the UK film industry.
- British Guild of Travel Writers
- https://bgtw.org/
- British Science Fiction Association
- https://www.bsfa.co.uk/
- Canadian Authors' Association
- https://canadianauthors.org/national/
- Canadian Freelance Guild
- https://canadianfreelanceguild.ca/en/
- https://www.canscaip.org
- Canadian Society of Children's Authors, Illustrators, and Performers
- Crime Writers Association
- https://thecwa.co.uk/
- British mystery writers' organization; includes extensive list of author-member websites.
- Crime Writers of Canada
- https://www.crimewriterscanada.com
- Editors Association of Canada
- https://www.editors.ca
- International Food, Wine and Travel Writers Association
- https://www.ifwtwa.org/
- This organization consists of professional food, wine and travel journalists in 28 countries; travel and hospitality industry organizations are associate members.
- League of Canadian Poets
- http://poets.ca/
- The National Association of Writers' Groups (UK)
- https://www.nawg.co.uk/
- Outdoor Writers and Photographers Guild (UK)
- https://www.owpg.org.uk/
- "The guild for outdoor content creators - writers, photographers, bloggers, podcasters, editors, illustrators, vloggers, film-makers, etc."
- Playwrights Guild of Canada
- https://playwrightsguild.ca/
- The Poetry Society (UK)
- https://poetrysociety.org.uk/
- Professional Editors' Group (South Africa)
- https://editors.org.za/
- Romance Writers of Australia
- https://romanceaustralia.com/
- Romantic Novelists Association (UK)
- https://romanticnovelistsassociation.org
- SF Canada
- https://www.sfcanada.org/
- "SF Canada exists to foster a sense of community among Canadian writers of speculative fiction, to improve communication, to foster the growth of quality writing, to lobby on behalf of Canadian writers, and to encourage the translation of Canadian speculative fiction. SF Canada supports positive social action."
- Society for Technical Communication (STC) - Canada
- https://stctoronto.org/
- Articles, links, and other resources for technical writers and communicators.
- Travel Media Association of Canada
- https://www.travelmedia.ca/
- Word Guild
- https://www.thewordguild.com
- Canadian organization of Christian authors.
- Writers Guild of Canada
- https://www.writersguildofcanada.com/
- Screenwriting guild.
- Writers' Guild of Great Britain
- https://www.writersguild.org.uk/
- "The Writers' Guild of Great Britain supports writers across media including books, film, online, radio, theatre, TV and videogames."
- The Writer's Union of Canada
- https://writersunion.ca/
Last Link Check: January 2024. Find a broken link? Please
let me know!

Becoming a successful writer isn't just about mastering great writing skills. It's also about overcoming the challenges and obstacles of the writing life: Rejection, fear of failure, lack of time, writer's block, the "Am I Really a Writer?" syndrome, and, of course, friends and family who just don't get it.
Fortunately, you're not alone. We've all been there. So here's a handy "survival guide" that will bring you inspiration, motivation, support and good old-fashioned advice to help you through the tough times. Don't let those writing gremlins keep you from achieving your dreams!
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