LINKS: Grammar Resources
Grammar Sites · Style Guides, References and Research Papers · Online Books and Style Guides
See also: Links to Dictionaries, Glossaries, & Language Resources
- Bacon Punctuation
- https://thevisualcommunicationguy.com/2014/08/25/bacon-punctuation-a-sentence-about-bacon-for-every-use-of-punctuation/
- Here's a delightful infographic providing a sentence about bacon to illustrate every aspect of English punctuation! The site has several other useful grammar infographics as well.
- Common Errors in English Usage
- http://wmjasco.blogspot.com/search/label/Common%20Errors%20in%20English%20Usage
- An ongoing list of common errors in word choice, spelling, usage, etc.
- Daily Grammar
- https://www.dailygrammar.com
- Sign up for an e-mailed grammar lesson for five days of the week, with a quiz the sixth.
- Daily Writing Tips
- https://www.dailywritingtips.com/
- A fantastic blog with hundreds of articles on grammar, word usage, more detailed topics like how to correctly format a bullet list, word origins and more. The problem will be forcing yourself to stop reading these posts and get back to writing!
- Eleven Grammar Hub
- https://www.elevenwriting.com/grammar
- "A collection of carefully developed grammar guides, quizzes, and more, created by industry professionals and English professors."
- English Practice
- https://www.englishpractice.com
- A good selection of short "lessons" on various grammatical topics (e.g., why adjectives are usede in a particular order).
- Garbl's Writing Center
- https://www.garblwriting.com/
- Grammar and Usage for the Non-Expert
- http://grammartips.homestead.com/articleindex.html
- A very old site, but useful nonetheless.
- Grammarcheck
- https://www.grammarcheck.net/infographics/
- This site offers a free grammar checker (with the goal of getting you to pay for their "deep checker"), a nice blog on grammatical topics, and lots of cool infographics.
- Grammarism.com
- https://www.grammarism.com/
- Though aimed at ESL students, this site is packed with info, exercises and self-tests that can be helpful to anyone who needs a bit of assistance with grammatical issues.
- Grammarly Handbook
- https://www.grammarly.com/grammar
- A huge guide to grammar, along with an online grammar checker.
- Guide to Grammar and Style
- https://jacklynch.net/Writing/
- An English professor's "miscellany of grammatical rules and explanations, comments on style, and suggestions on usage."
- Interesting Things for ESL Students
- http://www.manythings.org
- The grammar and word-games pages may be of interest to any writer.
- Linguistic Fun Page
- http://www.ojohaven.com/fun/
- Links to amusing and helpful references on grammatical use and misuse. Most of the links on the right are dead, but those on the left are still useful.
- On Line English Grammar
- https://www.ef.com/english-resources/english-grammar/
- Tips, exercises, a "grammar clinic," idioms, practice pages and more.
- Pain in the English
- https://painintheenglish.com
- This is an interesting and entertaining site that offers not only basic grammar advice, but discussions on why certain words and phrases are used, and a host of other topics. It covers word coinage, word history, expressions, grammar, punctuation and mechanics, style, usage, and an intriguing section on "opinions." Information and opinions are contributed by a number of participants, which offers a variety of viewpoints; one can pose questions on these various topics to the "group."
- Purdue Online Writing Lab
- https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/index.html
- Readibility Test Tool
- https://www.webfx.com/tools/read-able/
- Discover the "reading ease" level of your prose based on several readability indices on this interesting site.
- Rules for Using a Comma
- http://www.writingenglish.com/comma.htm
- If you're wondering whether to put that, comma, in or leave it, out, check out this page!
- Scribendi.com
- https://www.scribendi.com/academy/articles/
- Lots of articles here on various grammatical issues.
Style Guides, References and Research
- APA Formatting and Style Guide
- https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/research_and_citation/apa_style/apa_formatting_and_style_guide/index.html
- BibMe
- https://www.bibme.org/
- If you're like me, writing bibliographies for a book or research
paper is perhaps one of your least favorite tasks. Enter BibMe, an
intriguing site where you can automatically generate bibliography
entries! You can have the site look up a book for you and create
an entry, or manually enter the information, then just cut and
paste the results. This site also now has an option to check your paper for grammar and plagiarism.
- Citation Generator
- https://www.citationgenerator.com/
- It really doesn't get much easier than this: Paste your essay or article into this page, then highlight those phrases or sections that require a reference or citation. The site will walk you through the steps needed to generate citations according to the style of your choice, regardless of whether you are citing print or online sources. It's also ad-free!
- MLA Style Guide
- https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/research_and_citation/mla_style/mla_formatting_and_style_guide/index.html
- This site explains how to format works according to the standard, generally accepted MLA style, including how to cite references both within the text and in one's bibliography. Worth a look as citation rules have changed in the Internet age.
- University of Kansas Writing Guide
- https://writing.ku.edu/writing-guides
- Links to a variety of writing resources, with an emphasis on scholarly/academic writing.
- UVic Writer's Guide
- http://www.ltn.lv/~markir/writersguide/Pages/MasterToc.html
- Designed primarily to assist in writing essays and papers, this site contains many useful tips on style, presentation, organization, and similar topics.
Online Books and Style Guides
- The Library of the World’s Best Literature
- https://www.bartleby.com/lit-hub/library/
- Hosted on Bartleby.com, this is the home of a number of classic grammar, writing and style books. However, don't click on the main "home" button or you'll be taken to a paid study service and have a very hard time finding your way back.
- Quotations
- https://www.bartleby.com/lit-hub/quotations/
- Bartleby's links to a variety of quotation sources.
- Chicago Manual of Style
- https://www.chicagomanualofstyle.org/home.html
- Elements of Style
- https://www.bartleby.com/lit-hub/the-elements-of-style/
- The King's English
- https://www.bartleby.com/lit-hub/the-kings-english/
Last Link Check: January 2024. Find a broken link? Please
let me know!

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