Writing Fabulous Fiction:
The Elements of Successful Fiction
- Getting Started: The Fundamentals of Fiction, by Marg Gilks
- Description and Setting
- Arcs of Artifacts - Victoria Grossack
- The Art of Description: Eight Tips to Help You Bring Your Settings to Life - Anne M. Marble
- Blueprints: Building a Home for Your Characters - Elizabeth Chayne
- Developing Deftness in Description - Victoria Grossack
- Exposing Exposition - Victoria Grossack
- Expressing Exposition - Victoria Grossack
- Flesh out Your Writing with Body Language - Victoria Grossack
- Four Ways to Bring Settings to Life - Moira Allen
- Houses are People Too: The Structure of a Literary Device - Geoff Hart
- Location, Location, Location! - Jim C. Hines
- Map Your Settings - Victoria Grossack
- Setting the Mood - Victoria Grossack
- Visualization Exercises for Writers - Holly Lisle
- The Scene of the Crime: Choosing Your Setting - Stephen Rogers
- Research Tips/Facts in Fiction
- Does Accuracy Matter in Fiction? Part I - Moira Allen
- Does Accuracy Matter in Fiction? Part II - Moira Allen
- Facts in Fiction - Victoria Grossack
- Historical Research for Fiction Writers - Catherine Lundoff
- Partly Cloudy, Scattered Showers: Setting the Scene with Weather - Larissa Ione
- Write What You Don't Know Know - Sean McLachlan
- Write What You Know -- Because You Know More than You Think! - Marg Gilks
- What Do You Know? - Moira Allen
- More Fiction Tips
- 25 Unique Places to Find Story Ideas - Michelle Giles
- The Author-Reader Contract - Victoria Grossack
- The Case for Intriguing Eccentricity in Fiction - Philip Martin
- Conflict - Victoria Grossack
- Confrontations - Victoria Grossack
- Do You Hear Voices? Refining Your Authorial Style - Victoria Grossack
- The Greater Logic of Fiction - Victoria Grossack
- Hanging on Cliffs - Victoria Grossack
- Lateral Thinking for Writers - Ahmed A. Khan
- Lessons from TV: Six Mistakes to Avoid in Your Fiction! - Noelle Sterne
- Mindplay - Peggy Bechko
- The Moral of Your Story - Victoria Grossack
- The One Rule for Writers... - Moira Allen
- The Order of Things - Victoria Grossack
- Prayers, Promises and Prophecies - Victoria Grossack
- Raising the Stakes - Victoria Grossack
- The Reader's Emotional Journey - Victoria Grossack
- Satisfaction Through Frustration - Victoria Grossack
- The Satisfied Reader Experience - Victoria Grossack
- Scenes Grown in the Valley of Despair - Victoria Grossack
- Stuck in the Middle of Your Story? Try Prompts! - Alina Sandor
- Tell, Don't Show - Victoria Grossack
- The Top Ten Mistakes New Fiction Authors Make - Sally Zigmond
- Why Doesn't the Dog Bark? - Victoria Grossack
- Victorian Advice for Modern Writers
- Here are some great tips "From an Editor's Wife" that are just as true today as when they were written in 1881! Excerpted from The Girl's Own Paper.
- Literary Work for Girls
- How to Write a Story
- For a wealth of historical information on the Victorian era, including Victorian life, costume, etiquette, health and much more, visit Moira Allen's website, VictorianVoices.net.
- Moving On...
- For more information on writing fiction, visit these sections:
- Writing Fabulous Fiction: Plot, Structure, Genre and Publishing Tips
- Writing Fabulous Fiction: Character Development, Dialogue & Viewpoint
- Polishing Your Prose: Tips on Grammar, Article & Story Structure, and Self-Editing
- Writing for Children
- Writing the Mystery
- Writing Romance
- Writing Science Fiction & Fantasy
- Crafting Fabulous Fiction: The Complete Column Archives, by Victorian Grossack

Becoming a successful writer isn't just about mastering great writing skills. It's also about overcoming the challenges and obstacles of the writing life: Rejection, fear of failure, lack of time, writer's block, the "Am I Really a Writer?" syndrome, and, of course, friends and family who just don't get it.
Fortunately, you're not alone. We've all been there. So here's a handy "survival guide" that will bring you inspiration, motivation, support and good old-fashioned advice to help you through the tough times. Don't let those writing gremlins keep you from achieving your dreams!
More from Moira Allen:
