Do's and Don'ts of Travel Writing
by Jennifer Stewart
As the baby boomers hit retirement, the travel industry is set to
explode. Why not take advantage of this interest by writing about
your travels? Here are some of the things to avoid in travel
writing and some of the things to include.
- Use cliches. Tom Brentnall, Editor of the QANTAS inflight
magazine The Australian Way, comments: "A pearl is found in an
oyster. There is only one Mecca, the birthplace of Mohammed, in
Saudi Arabia -- it is not some trendy retail strip of designer
clothing stores. Paradise is where you go when you die (it is not
five minutes from an airport) and a magnet relates to electrical
- Overdo the adjectives. Words you wouldn't dream of using in
conversation -- "fabled, wondrous, roseate" -- often appear in
travel writing.
- Go silly with personification. Do buildings ever really smile,
do ruins beckon at every turn, do chimney tops sing their
welcome? Probably not!
- Use the first person. Fascinating as your reactions might be to
your immediate family, the rest of the world frankly doesn't care
what you thought as you took your first mouthful of Mexican food.
- Mention religious or ethnic differences. It's easy to patronise
when you wax lyrical about the quaint little customs of the
villagers, the interesting way the townspeople behave at funerals
- Use "reverse-racism". To quote Brentnall again, "It is sad how
many articles we get that describe people of non-Caucasian descent
as being 'well-trained', 'polite', 'professional', 'well-spoken'
and 'hygienic' (seriously)" -- as if one would naturally expect
them to be otherwise.
- State the obvious. Most people who travel are aware that the
sun rises in the east, so even if you add something about the
skyline, this is old news! If you're at the beach, don't write
that "the waves rolled up on the sands..." that's what a beach
- Use journalese. How many places have you read about where "old
meets new"; how many places have "twisting alleys", "bustling
thoroughfares", "half-forgotten byways"? Too many!
- Discuss the gory details. Travel writing is meant to accentuate
the positive, not the negative aspects of destinations. (Unless,
of course, you're doing an exposé.)
- Be a snob. People from all backgrounds travel these days, so
don't alienate any of your potential readers by using obscure
language or allusions.
- Use short words in preference to long words (likewise for
sentences and paragraphs).
- Focus on what's interesting and different about the spot. Find
details that are significant in some way -- unusual, colourful
or humorous. Look for something that makes the place special.
Usually this will be a combination of the place and the people.
Look around for someone or something that catches your eye and
use this as the focus for your piece. Maybe there's an unusual
colour scheme in shop windows or buildings, a pedestrian who
causes you to stop and look, or an absence of something that
you'd expect to find in the area.
- Give concrete details. Don't tell us that "food was dirt-cheap";
do a bit of math and convert the price of the meal to your own
currency. Tell us -- specifically - what was in the meal;
elaborate on the service, the setting and so on. Describe not
just the big things -- the buildings and bridges, but also the
little things -- the street signs, the road surfaces, the seats,
the grass and the smells.
- Keep all your senses open for those little things that evoke
atmosphere -- aromas of food cooking, perfumed plants, seaside
smells (salt air, seaweed, marine fuel), newly cut timber; bird
sounds, night sounds -- frogs, crickets, cars, fog horns...
Atmosphere is all around you; you just have to learn how to
recognise it.
- Structure your piece logically -- it doesn't really matter
whether you go from the general to the specific or vice versa,
as long as there's some method involved.
- Incorporate interesting information about
the history of the place if it's relevant and accurate (but don't
rely on what the bus driver told you on the way). Check your
facts and make it obvious why you've referred to past events.
- Make use of the tried and true devices of comparison and
contrast -- you may have visited a similar place and can clearly
describe why the two are so much alike. Maybe you've been
somewhere that is a complete contrast and can offer suggestions
about the reasons for the differences (climate, geography,
history, economic considerations etc). It doesn't matter how
obvious the differences are -- a South Sea Island is naturally
going to be very different from a Scandinavian city -- but
reading about them is still interesting.
- Check your spelling, punctuation and expression.
- Read your work aloud to yourself; this enables you to check for
any clumsy constructions, repetition, etc.
- Check for the interest factor. Once you're happy with your
piece, read it again and see if it's interesting. If you hadn't
been to this place, would reading your article make you want to
go there? Or not?
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Copyright © 2000 Jennifer Stewart
This article may not be reprinted without the author's written permission.
Jennifer Stewart left a 20-year teaching career to write a series of home-based writing courses. As a freelance writer, she has written articles for e-zines and the print media, prepared award submissions for business clients, copywritten and proofread
nonfiction, edited webpages and e-books, written press releases;
and more. Her articles have appeared in such e-zines as Internet
Day, AddMe, Leading Edge, Smartage, Website Weekly, Webmaster's
Digest, Virtual Promote ezine, Digital Women, and Whispers.

Becoming a successful writer isn't just about mastering great writing skills. It's also about overcoming the challenges and obstacles of the writing life: Rejection, fear of failure, lack of time, writer's block, the "Am I Really a Writer?" syndrome, and, of course, friends and family who just don't get it.
Fortunately, you're not alone. We've all been there. So here's a handy "survival guide" that will bring you inspiration, motivation, support and good old-fashioned advice to help you through the tough times. Don't let those writing gremlins keep you from achieving your dreams!
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