Finding Sample Magazines - Without Breaking the Bank
by Moira Allen
I'm always amused by magazine guidelines that ask a writer to
read "five or six back issues before submitting." Such requests
must be issued by editors who are desperate to fob off their back
issues, at $3 to $5 apiece. Unfortunately, trying to obtain even
one sample issue of every magazine you'd like to write for, or
would like to learn more about, can be prohibitively expensive.
Many publications charge more for a sample copy than you'd pay
for the same magazine on the newsstand, and even those that ask
only for postage may require you to shell out $2 or $3 in stamps.
There are alternatives, however. Here are some ways that you can
locate sample copies without paying a penny (and some ways that
will cost you a little, but not a lot).
- Visit the library. Most libraries have extensive magazine
sections, and you can either browse back issues there or check
them out and take them home. Many libraries can also order other
publications for you through interlibrary loan, though this can
often take weeks.
- Check your library for a "magazine exchange" corner. Many
libraries allow patrons to drop off unwanted magazines, and on
some days you can find lots of interesting titles. Check the
dates, though; a pile of magazines from the 1980's is not going
to help you determine what a publication is covering today.
- Visit magazine websites. Many publications archive older
articles online, which will give you an excellent idea of the
type of material that is published. You may also be able to find
the magazine's guidelines online; if you don't see a button that
says "submission guidelines" (or "authors" or "contributors"),
look under "About Us" or "Contact Us."
- Check the magazine piles at your doctor's or dentist's office.
If you find something that interests you, ask the receptionist
if you can "borrow" it -- or bring along some unwanted magazines
of your own to exchange. (Some offices also offer free
publications; I've found free regional baby magazines at women's
- Keep your eyes open when visiting bookstores or specialty
stores. I've just sold an article to several editions of a
country crafts/collectibles magazine I found in a craft boutique.
- Respond to "free issue" offers. Many publications solicit
subscribers by sending out offers for a free issue. (I've just
received offers for a free issue of Britain's Realm magazine
and Scottish Life; needless to say, I've said "yes" to both.) If
you don't want the subscription, just write "cancel" on the
invoice when it arrives.
- Look for trial offers online. Many magazine sites have "free
trial offers" on their websites (though they can be hard to find
-- I found Southern Living's offer for two free issues only after
clicking on their "free newsletter" link).
- Look for free trial offers through magazine subscription
sites. Generally, to place an
order, you'll have to provide credit card
information; you then have 90 days to cancel the subscription
through the online customer service section before your card is
- Use airline mileage credits to pay for subscriptions. If you
tend to accumulate only small amounts of frequent flyer miles
(not enough to add up to free travel), find out if your program
offers magazine subscriptions. Many do, and it's a great way to
use up a few hundred miles here and there. Your program will
often send out such an offer when your miles are about to expire.
- Contact individual magazines and find out if they provide a
free sample copy, even if they don't have one advertised.
Approach them as if you were a would-be subscriber, not a writer!
- Exchange magazines with friends, relatives, and writing
- Ask for gift subscriptions to magazines that particularly
interest you.
- Once you've begun to write for a publication (even if you've
just sold them a single article), ask to be added to their
complimentary copy list.
- New for the modern day: Sign up for Amazon's Kindle Unlimited program, then check the magazine subscriptions available through that program. You can "subscribe" to two magazines at a time. This gives you plenty of time to check out an issue or two, "cancel" that subscription, and sign up for another, and another, and another... You can get a one-month free trial to Kindle Unlimited; the cost is $9.99 per month thereafter.
And now some not-quite-free methods:
- Sign up for a "gift subscription" to a publication that
interests you. Often, gift subscriptions are less expensive than
regular subscriptions; I've found them at 2/3 to 1/2 the cost.
If necessary, have your subscription mailed to someone else, as
the publication may not fill a gift order that is to be sent to
the payee's own address.
- Check a writer's guideline database for
publications that will send a sample copy for the cost of
postage. Note the number of stamps required, and figure out
exactly how much they add up to; otherwise, you might be
unpleasantly surprised.
- Search newsstands and stores like Barnes & Noble for
interesting publications that you haven't found elsewhere. It's
generally less expensive to buy a copy in a store than to request
it by mail.
- Here's a tip sent in by reader Connie Payton: "I frequent the thrift stores in my area, and some flea markets and antique shops -- many of them offer magazines, some recent, some back issues for as low as 25¢ or 5 for $1. It is the only way to go on my limited budget." [Author's Note: The Goodwill store in my town has plastic totes full of magazines in its book section, so this looks like a valid tip for many areas.]
Finally, don't hesitate to order a sample copy of a publication
that looks like a valuable potential market. There is no
substitute for actually being able to see a publication before
you write for it -- so if you have to pay, do so. Remember that
the cost of sample copies is a business expense, and can be
deducted from your taxes.
Now all you need to do is figure out where to store all those
sample magazines...
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Copyright © 2002 Moira Allen
This article may be reprinted provided that the author's byline, bio, and copyright notice are retained in their entirety. For complete details on reprinting articles by Moira Allen, please click HERE. |
Moira Allen is the editor of Writing-World.com, and has written nearly 400 articles, serving as a columnist and regular contributor for such publications as The Writer, Entrepreneur, Writer's Digest, and Byline. An award-winning writer, Allen is the author of numerous books, including Starting Your Career as a Freelance Writer, The Writer's Guide to Queries, Pitches and Proposals, and Coping with Sorrow on the Loss of Your Pet. In addition to Writing-World.com, Allen hosts VictorianVoices.net, a growing archive of articles from Victorian periodicals, and The Pet Loss Support Page, a resource for grieving pet owners. She lives in Kentucky with her husband and the obligatory writer's cat. She can be contacted at editors "at" writing-world.com.

Becoming a successful writer isn't just about mastering great writing skills. It's also about overcoming the challenges and obstacles of the writing life: Rejection, fear of failure, lack of time, writer's block, the "Am I Really a Writer?" syndrome, and, of course, friends and family who just don't get it.
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