Your Guide to a Successful Writing Career
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by Larry James
Why do radio talk shows to promote yourself or service?
If you are available to do interviews with the media to promote your book or speaking business, the following checklist will prove helpful. Always remember, while you are there to promote your stuff, you must also provide entertaining content for the radio audience. Talk show hosts will seldom invite you back if you do not first have their audience in mind. In other words. . . your book will get you on, then you must have something interesting to say that is unique, controversial or fascinating (besides an occasional mention of your book). Here are a few bits of info that you must get before your interview that will prove to be invaluable during and after the interview:
Schmooze with the receptionist. On one occasion I was having trouble getting the producer to return my call. After several conversations with the receptionist we were getting to be good friends. I sent her a signed copy of my book and hinted at passing it by the producer. The day after she received it the producer called and booked me as a guest. If you cannot get a positive response after the fifth or sixth call, give it up, shout, "Next!" and call someone else. Producer's name. The producer usually books the show; however, you should try to
talk to the host if at all possible to get a feel for how the interview will go. Listen during the commercial breaks for jargon, things that trigger thoughts, or anything that will help the listeners relate to you better. Keep a pencil handy to jot down this info. When I hear a major book store commercial, when the interview continues I will usually say, "I'm happy to know that Barnes & Noble (or whoever) is a sponsor of the Paul Gonzales Show. Your listeners can find my books there." Type of programing, i.e., music (rock & roll, jazz,
easy listening, country) & talk, or only talk radio. I personally sign the book and mail it to the winner. I make a note of which book they won and add them to my mailing list. When I mail the book, I include information about other books, cassettes, video, seminars, etc. Would the host like to have a prerecorded promo for use before the show? You can do this on the telephone. Ask if there are any specific do's and don'ts for their station! Ask if they will record the interview and send you a copy on a cassette. Most will but set it up before you go on the air. (Offer to send them a blank cassette). Ask if the show puts links to stories or guests on their website. Ask for the name of the webmaster, call him/her and ask if you can e-mail contact info related to the story. Go to their site to see the length of the blurbs that are already posted. E-mail your info to the webmaster and they'll add it to the site. These links often stay up for several months or longer. This also works well for TV appearances. What to send to the Host:
Your bio. One of the most important things you can do is to prepare the interviewer to interview you. If you have a website, be sure the host knows where to go to get your latest bio and relevant info. It's smart to have a special page especially for talk show hosts. Send a "thank you" e-mail to the host and include a link to your links page on your website that shows that you have posted your appearance on their show on your site. Copies of your book(s). Most hosts will want to read them (or at least skip-read them) before the show. Be sure to personally sign the book. Bookmarks with endorsements. (You do have bookmarks, don't you?) Sample questions for the host. This is a list of frequently asked questions or questions you would like to be asked. Some hosts are better than others. Most appreciate having questions to use as "thought starters". A sheet of paper with your book title(s), 800 number, e-mail and website printed in a large font. Receiving this will help them to remember to announce the titles and the 800 number correctly. Endorsements for your book from celebrities, industry experts, authors who have written similar books, ministers and others. Endorsements from other talk show hosts. Most people who have been in broadcasting very long know their competition. This is ofen helpful. Some will inquire about other shows on which you have appeared. A brief preview of what is in the book(s). A business card Your newsletter, brochure, one-pager, news release, newspaper & magazine articles featuring your work or anything else that will help them make a favorable decision to schedule you as a guest. Be Prepared - Have your cheat-sheet with your keywords and book(s) in front of you. Be sure to have answers (sound bites) written out for the sample questions you sent the host. Most radio interviews are by telephone. If you go to the studio, take your stuff with you! Read How to Be a Great Radio Guest!. Check Out the Host - Before appearing on a radio interview, check out the radio station's website. You may be able to view a picture of the host, a bio, listener info and more, all of which will help you sound like you're a long-time listener, even though you've never heard the show. If the website features audio streaming you may be able to listen to the show before your appearance. The more comfortable you sound with the host, their format and their listeners, the better the interview and the more likely you will be invited back. You can use the Radio Locator to locate all of the radio stations near a U.S. city.
Be sure to mention the station's call letters when you are on the air. Also call the host by name several times during the interview. Write it down so you get it right. Always say your best stuff first. A special "Thank You" to my good friend, Gregory J.P. Godek, for this excellent tip. This is very important. If you don't, you may not have a chance to get your message across later. Do your best to bring up things in your answers to questions that lead the host to ask you questions about what you want to talk about. Since most radio interviews are on the telephone, you will find that it helps to have several key words written in front of you. Referrals: If you know other speakers or authors who would be a good fit for the show you were on, refer your friends to the host, then call your friends and give them the referral. In your "thank you" to the host, include their names and phone numbers. If the interview went well, ask for a letter of praise from the host.
IMPORTANT: If your book is not ready for you to send to those who want it or if it is not already in the book stores when you have the interview... You are wasting your time and energy and allowing your ego to rule. Save it for later is a better idea. The more experience you gain from interviews, the more selective you can become in choosing the stations you would like to be on. In the beginning I was always ready when anyone called regardless of whether the station was "right" for me. That's one of the reasons I developed this checklist. Remember that the length of an interview has nothing to do with its impact. Many people feel that short interviews don't pay off, while longer interviews do. Keep in mind that whatever length the interview, the host and the audience are accustomed to that format. They "will" get something out of the interview as long as you are prepared. In sales it is important to qualify the buyer. I believe it is equally important to find out as much about the station, their format, the hosts, the music (if any) before you say yes. At first it may be difficult to say no. After you have gone through this checklist with them, if it doesn't feel right, have the courage to say no. Always send them a "Thank you" for having you on their show, preferably using your book cover as a postcard. This gesture helps you "stand out" from all the rest. It had helped me to get repeat interviews; one station. . . five appearances! And finally. . .
after the interview, always call the station's receptionist to provide information about
your book, because listeners who don't remember your name or your book's
title may call the station for additional information. The receptionist is the first
and very often the only person the listener will ever reach. Fax, mail or e-mail a full information sheet with your name, book title, phone number, website and complete
ordering information.
Author Larry James is also a professional speaker and relationship coach. He is the author of four books. His articles have appeared in numerous newspapers, magazines and on the Internet. His popular relationship website features a special section of great information for authors and speakers at |
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