How to Write for Pet Magazines
by Moira Allen
You've just gotten a new dog. Or perhaps it's a cat, a hamster,
a ferret, an African grey parrot. Whatever the nature of your
pet, as a writer you can't help but see a whole new range of article
possibilities. And with good reason: The pet magazine market is
wide open to freelancers, including those with little previous
experience. All you need is an understanding of pets, a way with
words -- and an understanding of the markets themselves.
The very first thing you need to understand about these markets
is that readers of pet magazines don't want to hear about your pet!
That's right: No matter how cute, adorable, and intelligent
your pet may be, readers don't want to hear about it. They want
to hear about their own pets.
Specifically, they want to learn how to care for their pets,
solve health and training problems, and enhance the pet/owner
relationship. To get an editor's attention, your article must
help a reader do just that.
That doesn't mean that you can't write about it your
pet. Instead of writing about your experiences, however,
it's far better to write from your experience. Use your
experience as a springboard from which to explore one of the many
topics pet magazines hunger for. You don't have to be an expert
in pet care; you simply need to know what issues are important
to pet owners like yourself.
Ten Hot Topics
Most pet magazines seek articles in the following categories:
- Health.
You don't have to be a veterinarian to write
about health topics! Instead, draw on your own concerns or experiences
as a pet owner, to generate articles ranging from preventive
care to ways of handling specific illnesses or injuries. For
example, did your veterinarian recommend that you learn how to
brush your cat's teeth? Write an article about it! Consider a life-stage approach to health topics, from the
needs of the newborn to the aging pet. Try a seasonal focus,
such as protecting your pet from the hazards of hot or cold weather.
Explore breed-specific health topics, or health concerns relating
to different types of activities.
- Basic Care.
From grooming to dental care, basic care
articles are always in demand. Readers are always interested
in ways to keep their pets safer, healthier, and happier. They
are also interested in articles that make pet care easier: "How
to clip your cat's claws without getting scratched." If
you've found a better way to do something, share it.
- Training.
Most pet magazines have a need for this
type of article. Again, focus on a specific area. Instead of
proposing "Everything you need to know about training a
dog," consider "Five live-saving commands to teach
your puppy." Again, consider the life-stages of the pet,
seasonal issues, or special activities that require special training.
Give specific steps and show how they worked for you. Interview
a local pet care professional: Humane society personnel often
have a wealth of tips for pet owners.
- Environment.
How do you protect your pet from its
environment, and vice versa? An article in Cat Fancy [now Catster] discussed
how to protect computers from cats (and cats from computers).
How do you deal with hair, fleas, or pets on the furniture? Have
you created the ideal indoor kitty playground, or the perfect
doghouse? How can you help readers cope with special problems,
such as pet hair allergies?
- Equipment.
Equipment articles are particularly popular
with horse and bird publications. Don't try to write equipment
reviews; most magazines do that in-house. Instead, show the equipment
in action. Rather than writing a generic article about dog crates,
for example, consider writing "How the proper crate can
save your dog's life." What supplies did you take when you
went hiking or camping with your dog? What types of "kitty
gyms" work best for older cats? How can you create a parrot
- Activities.
People want to do things with their pets.
Dog magazines, for example, are always looking for new sports
and activities: Hiking, camping, agility training, and so forth.
Articles might range from a simple activity ("Frisbee-train
your dog in your back yard") to the complex ("Lure
coursing: It's not just for sighthounds"). Seasonal suggestions
are always popular; have you ever taken your dog sledding or
water-skiing? Consider writing about activities that involve
specific family members, such as children or the elderly. Magazines
also crave articles about activities that enhance the public
perception of pets, such as temperament training or search and
rescue work.
- Breed Profiles.
Most pet magazines run at least one
breed profile per issue, and some include shorter profiles of
less well-known breeds. This is a good place to break in, but
contact the magazine first: Profiles are often planned well in
advance, and are frequently assigned to recognized experts on
the breed. Don't assume that you don't have a chance, however:
Sometimes the experts don't come through. Or, you could interview
the experts yourself to develop a profile of your favorite breed.
Let the magazine know that you are willing to do breed profiles
on assignment (and on short notice!).
- Pets and People.
Quality accounts of human/animal
interactions are hard to come by, and always welcome. While stories
of therapy dogs working wonders at nursing homes or children's
hospitals have been somewhat overdone (though new angles are
still possible), many other topics exist. Check the local papers
for stories of special, unusual, heroic, or just plain wacky
pets and their people.
- Unusual Topics.
If you have a story about a rare breed,
a unique event, a historical pet, or something else that isn't
discussed every day, you have a good chance of selling it. Editors
are always looking for coverage of events and topics off the
beaten track, items they might not otherwise hear about. News
items fit well into this category, such as an article Dog
Fancy [Now Dogster] ran on the efforts of search-and-rescue dog teams in
the aftermath of the Mexico City earthquake. Be aware, though,
that due to the long lead time involved in magazine publishing,
a story must have qualities that transcend mere "newsworthiness."
- Personal Experiences.
I've listed this last for a
reason: Personal experience stories make up as little as 10%
of a pet magazine's content, yet compose as much as 80% of its
unsolicited submissions. To beat those odds, your story must
be truly exceptional. Perhaps it's the tale of a war dog
who flew in helicopters, or an owner's struggle with a canine
"escape artist" who could chew through chain link fencing.
If your pet has had a truly remarkable experience or made a substantial
difference in someone's life, don't hesitate to share its story.
But if you think your pet is exceptional simply because it's
yours, don't be surprised if editors disagree.
Keep in mind that these categories are neither exclusive or
mutually exclusive. In fact, they often overlap. For example,
an article on winter activities might include tips on cold weather
health hazards, training suggestions, or equipment needs. Editors
love such "double-duty" pieces; adding an extra dimension
to your article can greatly enhance its chances.
Whatever you write, remember that editors want to promote responsible,
compassionate pet care. That can mean different things to different
magazines, however. For example, while The AKC Gazette (targeting
breeders and exhibitors) might welcome an article on building
a whelping box, Dog Fancy [Dogster] (targeting pet owners) would
not. Gazette readers believe in responsible breeding;
Fancy readers believe in spaying and neutering.
Personal or Professional?
One question would-be pet writers often ask is "why would
a magazine want to buy an article from me rather than from a professional?"
If the topic is health, for example, you might wonder why the
magazine wouldn't simply turn to a veterinarian.
The answer is simple: While some veterinarians are excellent
writers, most are not giving James Herriot any competition. Also,
most veterinarians are busy being veterinarians. They don't have
time to write articles; you do.
More importantly, while professionals have the technical knowledge,
you know the types of questions a pet owner like yourself would
ask, and what sort of answers they will understand. You can turn
dry facts into helpful articles.
The best approach is to offer the best of both worlds. Write
from your perspective as a pet owner, and include interviews with
the experts to flesh out the facts. Another advantage you have
as a writer is the ability to interview more than one expert,
and present more than one point of view. Most importantly, you
can translate tech-talk into pet talk.
Finally, the inclusion of your personal experiences can bring
an article to life. For example, a magazine that runs a medical
article on canine diabetes might also include a sidebar about
how an owner learned to handle her dog's disease and give it insulin
shots by practicing on an orange. While the medical information
was important, the personal story demonstrated that average pet
owners could cope with this disease.
What Not to Write
Just as there are topics that appeal to editors, there are
other articles that no pet editor ever wants to see. Chief among
these are the following:
- "My first pet."
Many new pet owners are
astonished and delighted by the unfamiliar antics of their new
pet-and assume that readers will be equally amused. They forget
that most readers have already been through this stage (often
many times); to them, such stories are old news.
- "My dead pet."
When a pet dies, a writer
will often memorialize its life in the form of a story, article,
or poem. While this is an excellent cathartic experience and
can be extremely helpful in the grieving process, such "cradle
to grave" accounts of a pet's life make dull reading for
anyone but the owner. Write it, by all means, but don't send
- "Talking pets."
I don't know of a single
pet magazine that is interested in hearing your pet's life story from
its own lips. Particularly when presented by a writer who assumes
that a poodle must speak with a French accent... (I'm not making that one up.)
- "Irresponsible owners."
Watch out for stories
that describe irresponsible pet care. I once received scathing
criticism from readers for running a story about a dog that ran
loose around the neighborhood. I had thought its escapades amusing,
but readers reminded me that our policy was to promote responsible
care -- which means keeping dogs confined to a safe yard or on a
- "It's about me" stories.
Some "pet"
stories are about something else entirely (usually the author).
Make sure your pet is the center of the story and not just a
peripheral element.
Defining Your Market
Pet magazines exist for just about every type of pet you can
imagine. In addition to magazines about dogs, cats, birds, and
horses, you can now find publications about ferrets, "pocket
pets" (hamsters, rats, gerbils, and rabbits), reptiles, and
aquarium fish. Pay rates range from $50 to $500, based on the
size of the magazine and your own reputation as a writer. Some
magazines pay more for assigned articles (based on your query)
than for unsolicited material, and some will no longer accept
unsolicited articles at all.
Nor should you confine your efforts to pet magazines per se.
Other markets are also open to pet-related articles. For example,
articles about "traveling with your pet" constantly
show up in family, travel, and insurance publications. "Hiking
with dogs" might find a home in a pet magazine -- or in a publication
about outdoor sports, or even in your local paper. When you're
developing a pet article, don't overlook its reprint or spin-off
Writing about pets can be fun and lucrative. It's a wonderful
way to break into the magazine market and build your portfolio.
It's also rewarding, because when you improve the lives of pets,
you also improve the lives of their owners. So step over the dog,
take the cat off your keyboard, and get started!
Copyright © 2001 & 2012 Moira Allen
Portions of this article appeared in Byline and Freelance Success.
This article may be reprinted provided that the author's byline, bio, and copyright notice are retained in their entirety. For complete details on reprinting articles by Moira Allen, please click HERE. |
Moira Allen is the editor of Writing-World.com, and has written nearly 400 articles, serving as a columnist and regular contributor for such publications as The Writer, Entrepreneur, Writer's Digest, and Byline. An award-winning writer, Allen is the author of numerous books, including Starting Your Career as a Freelance Writer, The Writer's Guide to Queries, Pitches and Proposals, and Coping with Sorrow on the Loss of Your Pet. In addition to Writing-World.com, Allen hosts VictorianVoices.net, a growing archive of articles from Victorian periodicals, and The Pet Loss Support Page, a resource for grieving pet owners. She lives in Kentucky with her husband and the obligatory writer's cat. She can be contacted at editors "at" writing-world.com.

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