![]() Your Guide to a Successful Writing Career
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How to Break into the Burgeoning History Market by Sean McLachlan
Some historical subjects sell better than others. Local history
tends to have a small potential market, but state history flies off
the shelves, at least in that particular state. Military history
does well, but interest varies depending on the specific topic.
While Civil War and World War Two tend to be big sellers (just how
many books and articles are there about D-Day?), World War One and
the Mexican-American War attract less attention. Biographies about
unknown people tend not to attract editorial interest unless they
can be linked to greater events, like some previously little-known
contributor to the writing of the Constitution. Articles on
important figures such as Henry VIII need to be done from a fresh
angle, or bring to light new research and discoveries.
History writing should not simply be a rehash of old stories told a hundred times before. This is where primary sources -- original letters, diaries, and other documents -- become your best asset. Look for interesting details that earlier writers haven't emphasized. Did you know St. Louis was planned and laid out by a 14 year-old boy? Or that an altar to the pagan goddess Victory stood in the Roman Senate for years after the empire had supposedly converted to Christianity? Odd facts such as these add zest to your narrative and are remembered by your readers long after most of the names and dates have faded from their minds.
Building up expertise in a field will not only make it easier to write articles and books, but will get you more of them. It's best to choose a topic you are passionate about so your interest doesn't flag, and also make sure it's a topic sufficiently broad to allow you to look at it from different angles in various markets. For example, I started researching Missouri history for Missouri Life magazine, which led me to write a general history of the state, a collection of interesting tales from its past for young adults, and a book on its outlaws. This research also informed a book I'm working on about Civil War guerrillas (of which Missouri had the deadliest) and my next novel, which takes place in 1864 in central Missouri. By being open to writing about all periods and aspects of the state's history, it has become a bit of a cottage industry for me as well as leading to related books and articles on broader topics.
Chances are you'll gather far more material than you can include in your final article. Don't let that research go to waste! You can use these bits of information for other articles. If you've written a book, breaking off some of the information for magazine articles is a great way to market your work and gain some extra money and clips. You might even have enough material for another book, perhaps on a specific aspect or period you didn't have the space to cover fully the first time around, or maybe you can rework the text to a different market, such as young adults.
Much of what you need for research may be closer than you think. University libraries usually have thousands of books on history, and with interlibrary loan you can get books from other institutions that your library doesn't have. Also check out the state, county, or municipal historical societies for their collections of books and primary sources. Original diaries, letters, and newspapers are goldmines of interesting information and stories. Read widely in your chosen field so that you know what has been covered and what hasn't, which sources are reputable and which aren't, and who is publishing in your subject. Also don't forget other historians, both professional and amateur. Re-enactors and park rangers, while usually not specifically trained as historians, are often very knowledgeable about certain subjects and eager to share their expertise. For example, Carolyn Bartels, a.k.a. "The Civil War Book Lady", specializes in Civil War in the Trans-Mississippi theatre and gains her information through a large network of professional and amateur historians, re-enactors, and genealogists.
Newspapers and local and regional magazines are usually hungry for historical pieces. By getting some acceptances there, not only will you get a regular market for your work, but valuable clips you can show book publishers. This can tip the balance between an acquisitions editor saying no to an unknown writer and saying yes to one with a proven track record. You also have the advantage of creating working relationships with periodicals editors that can lead to assignments for stories outside of history. Lise Hull got started writing a travel column for Ninnau, the North American Welsh newspaper. Her first piece was on Welsh castles, followed by several articles on the subject for that and other publications. These clips helped her land the first of several book contracts based on her knowledge of the British Isles and castles. Now she has publishers contacting her.
History is a contentious field. Scholars and laymen alike argue incessantly about who was the better president, what culture was more advanced during a particular period, and so on. Some topics, such as Islamic history or labor history, can be minefields, but that does not mean you should shy away from them. Just be aware that when you write about these topics to back up your work with solid research. That won't save you from attacks by hostile readers and fellow writers, but if you write what you believe and stick to your guns, you will gain a reputation as a solid writer, and nothing encourages sales like a bit of controversy.
This article may not be reprinted without the author's written permission. Sean McLachlan worked for ten years as an archaeologist before becoming a full-time writer specializing in history and travel. He is the author of Byzantium: An Illustrated History (Hippocrene, 2004), It Happened in Missouri (TwoDot, 2007), and Moon Handbooks London (Avalon, 2007), among others. Visit him online at Visit him online at http://www.midlistwriter.blogspot.com and https://www.seanmclachlan.net/. |
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