![]() Your Guide to a Successful Writing Career
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by Jenna Glatzer Every writer has heard it time and again, and it's not without merit: "Write what you know." When I began freelancing, I was just out of college, so what did I write about? College. I wrote profiles of collegiate entrepreneurs, I wrote editorials about college life... and after a while, I really wanted to move on and write about other things. But I didn't feel qualified. Luckily, I didn't let that hold me back for too long. "Write what you know" is a very good starting point. But that's all it is. It's a place for you to go to get your feet wet, and a place to come back to when the tide gets too high. But it's not a place to stay for very long. A better piece of advice, in my opinion, is "Write what you want to know." One of the great perks of being a freelance writer is that you get paid to learn about things. So... what do you want to learn about? If I had completely disregarded "Write what you know" and simply opened a page of the Writer's Market at random, figuring I'd send a query to whichever market my finger happened to touch, my career would be very different today. I might have ended up writing about finances, miniature horses, and aerobics. And you know what? I would have hated it. I have no experience with any of the above topics, and there's a good reason for that: I never really wanted to have experience with them. Since I have no real passion for any of the topics, if I had to write articles about them, it would feel like work. But did you ever stop to think about the things you always wanted to know, but never found out? Or all the interesting people you wanted to meet? Or the problems you've encountered that you wanted solved? Now those are article topics. Try this exercise. Fill in the blanks with your answers.
You may have lots of answers for each statement. That's great! Each answer is a possible article topic. Most of them won't be specific enough (or perhaps too specific) for an article, but they should give you lots of new starting points from which to brainstorm angles. Think of freelance writing as your own opportunity to learn about all the things you ever wanted to know, and don't worry if you're not yet an "expert" in any of these areas! Among my favorite writing assignments have been topics in which I had no previous expertise:
When working to broaden your writing horizons, be sure to think about two things: your passions, and your curiosities. You don't need to only write about topics that mean "everything" to you; you can -- and should -- also write about the little things that bounce around your brain. Have you always wondered how the custom of kissing under the mistletoe evolved? Or how Mexican jumping beans jump? Have you wondered what it feels like to go back to school in your 40s or 50s? Have you wondered if there's a way to stop all that junk mail and those telemarketing calls from darkening your doorstep? Do some preliminary research, formulate a query letter, and... ta da! You get paid to find answers to these pressing questions, or learn more about your hobbies and passions. Consider it a challenge. Keep learning. Use your writing as a vehicle to answer every question you never had time to answer before. There are lots of people out there who have wondered about those very same things, and you can help them! You don't need to be an expert. You need to be a great researcher, and you need to be willing to ask questions. Lots of questions, sometimes. But that's one of the great things about writers -- we're such curious creatures. Write what you want to know, and soon enough, it'll be what you do know. Find Out More...
This article may not be reprinted without the author's written permission. Jenna Glatzer is the author of several books, including a number of books on writing, and a contributing editor at Writer's Digest. Visit her website at http://www.jennaglatzer.com/. |
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